BALTIMORE (AP)- Coronavirus cases are spiking in the city of Baltimore and are outpacing every county in Maryland.


The Baltimore Sun reported Friday that the cases are also rivaling an infection level not seen since the winter peak.


The reasons aren’t entirely clear. But data suggest the pandemic could worsen before it gets better.


State and local health officials are urging people to mask up, practice social distancing and get tested after traveling or if they've possibly been exposed.


“The recent rise in new COVID-19 cases and fatalities in Baltimore City is deeply concerning, particularly among residents under 70,” said a joint statement from the Baltimore City Health Department and the office of Mayor Brandon Scott.


“With a COVID-19 positivity rate above 5 percent, we have reached widespread community transmission, and are currently unable to pinpoint a specific driver for the rapid rise in cases,” it read. “The presence of new COVID-19 variants, increased city resident mobility approaching pre-pandemic times, and less vigilance around social distancing and mask wearing all appear to be contributing factors. The pandemic is far from over.”

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