
We’re still riding the whole “new year, new you” trend.

The new year is a great time to clean up your Facebook. WBOC Multimedia Journalist and DelmarvaLife’s Facebook Live show host, Lauren Hitch, is here with some tips and tricks on how to clean up our Facebook feed.

It’s important to think before you post on social media. Many employers are looking at applicants Facebook pages because it’s an easy way to learn about that person. So if you are looking to get a new job this year, take the time to clean up your Facebook. Be sure the settings are changed to friends only and not public, and go back and get rid of those pictures you may not want to be tagged in. Also, change your timeline and tagging settings which means you will have to review, and approve or not approve, which posts appear on your timeline for everyone else to see.

Try not putting your address, or phone number, or mention that you’re leaving the house for a few days as a status on Facebook. Not everything should be public.

If you have a family member or friend that posts things you may not like or agree with on Facebook, but you do not want to hurt their feelings with unfriending them, you can actually just unfollow them. You can do that by clicking the following button on the person’s profile page, then in the dropdown menu, you can click unfollow.

As far as unfriending, it’s 2018, it’s time to get rid of the negative Nancy’s, the political ranters, your ex’s, attention seeking people or maybe someone who posts things that make you not feel good about yourself, unfriend them or unfollow them, whichever route you want to take.

On the opposite side of that, say you want to see more of your best friend’s posts first. You can actually prioritize what shows up first on your feed when you login. You can go to preferences and select which friends you’d like to see first.

Anyone else have a pile of friend requests? If you find some downtime, go through that list. Approve only who you know and look for signs such as only one profile picture, a weird name, and no mutual friends. That person you will probably want to deny as a friend because there are “trolls” and fake accounts out there. Also, clean up your large friend list. Get rid of inactive accounts and just clean it up.

You can get away from negative friends by not feeding into their posts. You can unfollow, unfriend or just keep scrolling past the negative Nancy posts. Maybe take time to post something positive each day and change the vibe on your news feed. Share that cute puppy video!


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