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STEVENSVILLE, Md.- Queen Anne’s County officials on Thursday announced the Queen Anne’s County Small Business Assistance and Recovery Fund to assist local businesses that are in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The county said the goal of this program is to "RE-Open, RE Employ and Remain in QAC." This program is designed to provide assistance to businesses as they begin to reopen.

“Queen Anne’s County understands that its businesses have been adversely and severely impacted by the restrictions enacted related to COVID19 and have therefore developed a program specific to meet the needs of our businesses during Economic recovery.”, says Heather Tinelli, director of economic and tourism development in Queen Anne’s County

The Queen Anne’s County Small Business Assistance and Recovery Fund will focus on two areas of assistance. The first part will be small business grants. This can include purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies necessary to meet the current CDC recommended requirements.  This can also be used to cover costs related to adjustments necessary to meet social distancing recommendations and operating expenses related to “re-opening” including payroll, inventory, supplies, rent and utilities.

The second area will be employment assistance. The county is partnering with the Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board at Chesapeake College to pair those from industries most affected by current layoffs with local businesses that are looking to hire. This would include funding for on the job training with businesses willing to hire and train currently laid off county residents. This program will focus on low income eligible workers and pair them with local businesses that have the ability to train workers in-house for a higher wage position.

The county will be using an online portal to receive applications, which is anticipated to be available shortly after the Memorial Day holiday.  For more information and to be added to the list of applicants, email:

For more information about businesses in Queen Anne’s County visit

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