We understand the frustration and inconvenience many of you are experiencing due to the recent decision by Breezeline to drop WBOC from its lineup. We want to clarify that we have made every effort to continue providing our news and local programming to Breezeline viewers, but unfortunately, Breezeline has chosen to not move forward with WBOC.
Contrary to statements circulated by Breezeline, this decision is not ours. WBOC desires Breezeline reinstate our station for viewers here on Delmarva in areas like Grasonville, Kent Island, Chestertown, Centreville, Queenstown, Rock Hall, Church Hill, St. Michaels and Chesapeake City, who rely on our local news, weather and programming. Please understand this is not a carriage dispute. Breezeline stated it dropped WBOC because we are an "out of market" station to the communities it serves, which are in the Baltimore viewing area as defined by Nielsen Media Research.
Your feedback matters. We encourage viewers with concerns or complaints about this situation to reach out directly to Breezeline at breezeline@breezeline.com
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.