Barren Creek Road Chopper 16

MARDELA SPRINGS, Md. - For almost seven years now, a chunk of Barren Creek Road in Mardela Springs has been missing.

It washed away during a storm in July of 2016.

But now there is renewed hope something will be done to fix it.

David Kenney, who has owned the nearby "Hardware Store" near Barren Creek Road for 37 years says it is time to get the road back up and running.

"After years of not much dialogue between county officials and residents about this problem, it's encouraging that they're actually listening and wanting to hear more about fixing the road," he said.

Wicomico County Executive Julie Giordano recently toured the site with Maryland's Department of Agriculture and Department of Natural Resources.

Kenney says he wants repairs to ensure the road doesn't get washed out again.

"If they do fix it, I hope it's fixed in a way that it will not happen again. There are solutions for that if they put the dam back in they can certainly have a way that the water can get out of the pond," he said.

We reached out to the Wicomico County Executive's Office on Monday about Barren Creek Road. We were told County leaders are still gathering information on the project and they did not have a comment at this time.