SALISBURY, Md.- Republican Julie Giordano was sworn as the Wicomico County Executive at a ceremony held Tuesday morning at the James Bennett High School auditorium. Giordano is the first woman to serve as Wicomico County Executive.
"I woke up this morning just anxious and ready to have this part over and now that it's over, it's so exciting and I'm ready to get to the office," said Giordano.
Giordano is a teacher, mother, and wife who ran on a platform of education, economy, and public safety. Giordano said it was important to her that her students came to support her.
"We decided on this venue particularly for them. I was just going to get sworn in at the courthouse, but they said, 'Are we allowed to come to the court house?' I said, 'No, but I can figure out a way to get you over here.' So that's what we came up with and it was so amazing. I was so happy that some of the speakers directed things towards them," said Giordano.
Giordano outlined some of the goals she wants to achieve while in office.
"We have a legislative breakfast, our first department head breakfast this week, so we'll be preparing for that the next few days just to make sure that we have everything in order to make sure we have a good foundation laid," said Giordano. "One thing that we want to do, which is obviously right in the beginning, is our water and sewer plan so we'd like to see that get started. We have some foundation already laid, so to get that already moving, there is a police contract that needs work so trying to help out our officers."
Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis agrees.
"In order for deputies here to compete with the surrounding agencies, we must raise the salaries of our current deputies. [That's] number one. Number two, we have to secure our disability package and protect our disability package."
On Tuesday at 6 p.m., newly-elected members of the Wicomico County Council will also be sworn into office.