Forecast Updated on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 3:50am by WBOC Meteorologist Mike Lichniak.

Today: Mostly cloudy with a few stray showers possible in the first part of the day. A better chance for rain showers arrives by the evening hours across northern Delmarva. Highs: 54-60. Winds: S 5-20+ mph.

Tonight: Mostly cloudy with rain showers possible across northern Delmarva. Lows: 47-53. Winds: S-SE 5-15 mph. 

Thursday: Mostly cloudy with on and off rain throughout the day. Highs: 60-65. Winds: S 5-20+ mph.

Thursday Night: Rain ends early in the evening hours. It will remain cloudy with pockets of drizzle / fog possible by morning. Lows: 55-62. Winds: S 10-20+ mph. 

Friday: Rain showers possible to start the day becoming partly to mostly cloudy into the afternoon hours. Breezy. Highs: 62-68. Winds: S-SE 5-20+ mph. 

Saturday: Mostly cloudy with rain chances going back up by the evening and overnight period. Highs: 54-62. Winds: SW 10-20+ mph.

We are seeing a few pockets of drizzle and even seeing a few stray showers early this morning as we begin into this unsettled weather pattern that will linger around the area through the weekend. A better chance for rain showers will arrive tonight when the actual warm front pushes through the area. This will allow temperatures to jump into the 50s and in the evening some 60s are possible for highs. We are not expecting the heavier rain to really arrive until we get into the wee hours of the morning and into Thursday morning.

Thursday will be one of the wetter days in this period of time where we could have periods of moderate to heavy rain at times throughout the day. Temperatures will climb up into the 50s and 60s. A little bit of rain will linger into the early part of Friday before things taper off and actually allow for some dry time late in the afternoon hours. We stay very warm even with the break of the rain as we remain in the 60s for highs on Friday.

The break from the rain will linger into the early part of Saturday before another chance of rain looks to push through the area from Saturday night and into Sunday. Indications are that this chance of rain could linger a little later into Sunday and will affect those heading to Baltimore for the AFC title game between the Ravens and the Chiefs with temperatures in the 40s and 50s throughout the game.  The rain will taper off by Sunday evening with some lingering moisture that may bring us some snow flurries across the area as we wake up on Monday morning. On average, we will pick up between 1-2” of rain across most of Delmarva by the time we wake up on Monday and the drying process begins.

A quiet, but colder weather pattern sets up for next week with plenty of sunshine most of the week and temperatures returning to where we should be for this time of year with highs in the 40s.

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