MILFORD, Del. - The City of Milford began construction work on Airport Road Monday morning.
The project will include pavement base repair, drainage improvements, and pavement overlay of approximately 1.4 miles of Airport Road between DuPont Boulevard (US 113) and Canterbury Road (DE 15).
"We've been having a number of drainage issues that will be corrected. Obviously, the surface is in very poor condition, so a much smoother ride for folks, and it should be a project that will last 15 or 20 years into the future that nothing will need to be done for quite some time," said Milford Public Works Director Mark Whitfield.
The work will necessitate a full closure of the roadway during construction. However, the city has planned a five phase sequencing of closures and repair that began with the stretch of Airplane Road between Roosa Road and Route 113.
Some drivers say the construction is inconvenient.
"I didn't know the road was closed so I had to make a right and come over here and go another way," said Ludenie Zaviar of Milford, who had to drop off her children at daycare this morning.
Still, the city is hoping that the long-term improvements to the road will be worth a minor headache during the morning commute.
"It's a necessity that has to take place. I think most people that are along this roadway understand that it really needs to be done. It probably should have been done years ago," said Whitfield.
The first phase of the project is expected to be complete by Aug. 5. The other sectional closes will be as follows:
Phase IV – Between Cascades Lane and Roosa Road. This phase will be done in three separate sections to allow access to businesses and residents along the roadway. Traffic during this phase will be directed to Bowman Road and to US 113 beginning Aug. 3-Sept. 22.
Phase III – Between Bowman Road and Cascades Lane. This phase will be done in two sections to provide access to businesses and will divert traffic using Canterbury Road, Bowman Road, and US 113. Projected time frame is Sept. 20-Oct. 26.
Phase I – Between Delaware Veterans Blvd and Bowman Road. During this phase, the detour will be through the Milford Industrial Park using Mullet Run and Brent Jordan Way, and will be done in two separate phases to allow access to the Jehovah Witness Church beginning Oct. 24-Dec. 3.
Phase II – Between Delaware Veterans Blvd and Canterbury Road. Traffic during this phase will be directed to Bowman Road and to US 113 beginning Dec. 3-17.
The city says construction at intersections is expected to be completed during nighttime hours with only partial closures of the intersection.
Work on the projected $2.4 million project is expected to be completed by Dec. 17, which is 30 days less than originally anticipated.