Voice Actors Create A Radio Drama For The 21st Century

 CAMBRIDGE, Md.- When was the last time you sat down and listened to a radio drama?  A team of Mid-Shore voice actors created a sci-fi radio drama for the 21st century.

It's called, "The Hawk Chronicles."  It follows the story of Baltimore City detective Kate Hawk, who isn't just solving crimes in Charm City anymore, she's on an adventure across the galaxy.  But we wanted to know the story behind the cast and crew of this sci-fi adventure.

Over the air, she's Kate Hawk, a sassy cop who travels across the universe.  In reality, she's a Kent Island mother and voice actress, Kirsten Strohmer.  The Hawk Chronicles began as a way for Strohmer to build her body of work.  Now, it's taken on a life of it's own.

"It's a lot of fun, it's theatrical and I've always enjoyed that, although I've never been part of community theater," said Strohmer.

Kirsten is joined by performers from across the peninsula.

Steve Long plays a part, and puts the show together.  In the past, radio dramas would be taped in one room, with all actors present.  Using today's technology, the show is produced across the world.

"Two of the stars of the show met for the first time yesterday.  So he has a recording studio, Kirsten has a recording studio, I have a recording studio.  We actually have two guys from Sweden, filmmakers, who are in on it too," said Long.

There wasn't a casting call per se.  A large number of these voice actors on The Hawk Chronicles know each other through a project of Steve's, a replica TARDIS from the BBC TV show Dr. Who.  Long runs a photo booth out of the TARDIS, and uses the show for inspiration as he writes.

"The guys in the TARDIS photo booth helped me with voices, and now it's expanding to a lot of people," said Long.

"So who knows if there will be a resurgence in this art form.  It's just a ton of fun and I enjoy doing it," said Strohmer.

And there's plenty of fun still ahead, 36 episodes have been written with more on the way.

Only two episodes have aired so far, and you can find them online.  Each episode is about 12 to 14 minutes in length.  They air each Friday afternoon on radio 1240 WCEM-AM at 12:30.  There are still 23 episodes left in this season, and it ends on quite the cliffhanger.

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