DELAWARE - For reportedly the first time in nine years, Artesian Water Company Inc. is filing for increased rates with the Delaware Public Service Commission.
According to a company press release, the average residential customer pays $1.64 per day to meet all household water needs. That average monthly usage is about 4,000 gallons, the company says in the release. With the company’s new proposed rates, the average customer would see an additional 22 cents per day on their bill.
The company says that inflation and shifts in the operating and economic environment have increased the costs to provide drinking water and fire protection. Pipes, electronics, and chemicals used in the treatment and distribution of water has nearly doubled, the company claims.
Artesian also mentions a settlement in reference to the past contamination of Artesian’s Llangollen wellfield. Restitution in the amount of $10 million was awarded to Artesian in that settlement, which was reportedly reflected in a $27 credit on customer bills in October 2022. Active members are expected to receive similar annual credits through 2025. That full restitution from the settlement, Artesian says, significantly offsets the impact of the requested rate change.
“Artesian understands the current economic stress on some of our customers. Water affordability is a critical priority, and, working with Delaware’s congressional delegation, we remain steadfast advocates of a permanent federal funding mechanism to assist low-income customers, stressing that water is an essential utility and that those in need should have access to such support,” said Nicki Taylor, President of Artesian Water Company.
Artesian’s rate increase request submitted to the Delaware Public Service Commission consists of a requested yearly revenue increase of 23.84% or about $17.54 million. The filing will undergo review by the Public Service Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate. Artesian says the process is expected to take many months, and plans to communicate with its customers throughout the process.
Artesian provides water and wastewater services throughout Delaware with a total water service territory of 298 square miles.