

CRISFIELD, MD - Crisfield, a community accustomed to dealing with floodwaters, is preparing for yet another storm expected to hit Tuesday. Residents, still contending with the aftermath of last weekend's rain, were observed fortifying their homes and businesses to stave off the encroaching waters.

Even days after the previous weekend's storm, yards across town remain submerged in floodwaters, prompting locals to take proactive measures. Clear skies and dry roads in Crisfield did little to alleviate any concern residents might have. People were seen grabbing groceries and water in anticipation of potential inundation.

Stephanie Taylor, an employee at Cafe's Carry-Out, shared her experience with the flooding this season, stating, "Sometimes you can go swimming in it, sometimes you can ride a boat, all depending on how high the tide goes in. A lot of people have to wear rain boots to get places if our cars can't get through it."

Residents are gearing up for the imminent threat. Sandbags have become a precious commodity in Crisfield, with the town providing an opportunity for locals to fill them and protect their properties.

Cafe's Carry-Out is taking no chances, implementing precautionary measures to safeguard against rising water levels. "We'll put everything inside, and then at night we'll end up putting the sandbags up against all three doors. We have five bags in the back and three on the first door and the second door up front," explained Taylor.

Gary Johnson, assisting in sandbagging efforts for a house on Chesapeake Avenue, voiced his hopes, saying, "Maybe to slow down the water going inside the house, but really you can't do anything else about it."

Delmarva Power, recognizing the potential impact of the impending storm, assured residents of their preparedness. Zach Chizar, a spokesperson for Delmarva Power, stated, "In addition to our own company personnel, we do have local line contractors and tree-trimming personnel available to respond if needed. We also have additional customer service representatives ready to handle emergency outage calls from customers."

As the community braces for the approaching storm, Delmarva Power advises residents to keep their cellphones fully charged and exercise caution around damaged power lines or transformers. The utility company is committed to swift restoration efforts, deploying crews to address any disruptions promptly.

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