High Tides Cause Coastal Flooding & Stronger Waves

REHOBOTH BEACH, Del. - Thenor'easter will continue to create high tides this week, which caused flooding in Long Neck Thursday morning. 

According to WBOC meteorologists, tides will be as high as six and a half feet on Thursday night. 

Jamie Warner made her way from Pennsylvania to watch the tides during the day. 

"We expected them to be high because of the Nor'easter. Walking up to the boardwalk, you can actually hear the waves getting more and more ferocious," said Warner." We knew we had a spectacle to see when we got here. It didn't let us down."

Rehoboth Beach Patrol Capt. Kent Buckson advised people to avoid swimming Thursday night as the tides are stronger than normal. He said spectators should watch from the boardwalk, especially families with small children that could get swept away by the waves. 

WBOC meteorologists issued a coastal flood warning as of 4 p.m.Thursday. In low-lying areas, residents can expect one to two feet of water. 

David Rhoten lives in Long Neck and said his street flooded Thursday morning. 

"The water came up all the way to the driveway, it's probably sixty or eighty feet past where it should be. It blocks a lot of the streets getting out of the neighborhood and everything here," said Rhoten. 


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