OCEAN CITY, Md. - The Trump Administration is considering offshore drilling along the Mid-Atlantic coast if the supply meets the demand.
According to the Trump Administration, it wants to do seismic testing from Delaware to Florida.
Alex White has lived on the Eastern Shore for 10 years. He said if there is gas and oil supply off ourcoast then he supports offshore drilling.
"Nobody wants to see their coast line ruined, but if they had the technology and they can find reserves and it's worth exploring, they should definitely do it," White said.
Vince Pavic also lives on the coast and he said it is something for our country to consider.
"To increase our independence from you know relying on other countries for oil and gas but at the same time I think we have to be very careful," Pavic said.
Pavic said he understands people's concerns.
"I also understand the impacts it could have on marine life and everything else," Pavic said. "I think that's why we have scientists and we got people that can study those things and understand it a little bit better," Pavic said.
According to the Trump Administration, seismic testing has not been done in our region for over 30 years and although some people are for it and others are against it, the National Marine Fisheries Service has authorized permits for five companies to use air guns to conduct those surveys.
Bill Weiland is a part of the the Assateague Coastal Trust, which is highly against offshore drilling.
"When you start getting that offshore drilling, when you have oil and gas developments it's just a matter of time before there's going to be a mishap," Weiland said. "There's going to be some sort of oil spill and that would decimate our tourism, fishing industry, and marine resources."
Weiland said he is not alone, noting that more than 90 percent of coastal communities oppose seismic testing.