CAMBRIDGE, MD - Monday, officials and farmers gathered at the prestigious Hyatt in Cambridge as the University of Maryland Eastern Shore played host to an important agritourism conference. The event marked the first of its kind, bringing together representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the State Department of Agriculture, and local farmers to engage in meaningful discussions about the significant challenges faced by farmers.

The primary focus of the conference was to delve into the key issues affecting farmers, particularly those with smaller farm spreads, and explore collaborative solutions to enhance profitability. Moses Kairo, the Dean of the School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences at UMES, emphasized the urgency of addressing these challenges, stating, "Farmers are facing challenges, especially when looking at farmers with smaller farm spreads, and the issue is about profitability. So, there is tremendous interest to find ways in which we can increase the profitability of small farms."

The conference provided a platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share insights, and propose strategies to uplift small farms. The discussions aimed at fostering a supportive environment for farmers to overcome obstacles and enhance their economic viability.

This inaugural event is part of a broader initiative to strengthen the collaboration between government agencies, academic institutions, and the agricultural community. By creating a space for open dialogue and partnership, the conference seeks to lay the groundwork for sustainable solutions that will benefit farmers and the agricultural industry as a whole.

For those interested in joining the conversation, the agritourism conference will continue tomorrow at the Hyatt in Cambridge from 8 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. Attendees can expect further discussions and insights into the challenges faced by farmers and the collaborative efforts being made to secure a more prosperous future for agriculture.