DOVER, Del. (WBOC)- Delaware will forgive up to six school days lost to this winter's repeated bad weather.

The state Board of Education approved Sec. Mark Murphy's recommendation Thursday.

Those days were: Jan. 3, Jan. 21, Jan. 22, Feb. 3 (New Castle County only), Feb. 13, March 3 and March 17 (Kent and Sussex counties only). They coincide with days on which Gov. Jack Markell declared a State of Emergency or closed state offices.

Murphy urged better future planning, so there would not be a need to forgive days for poor weather. In a news release, Murphy said students and teachers had time "robbed from them."

"They need and deserve to have it returned. Our educators need it, and our children need it," Murphy said.

State law requires districts and charter schools to make sure students reach a minimum of 1,060 hours of school a year (1,032 for seniors).

"Many districts and charters build in extra time to their calendars, but if they have more lost time than that or don't build any in, then they need to make up the time," the release said.

Several schools missed around ten days this year. Every district and multiple charters requested some forgiveness due to that. Some charters had enough time built in that the days off did not cause a problem.

Here is a district-by-district (or charter) breakdown of requested days:

Kent County

Caesar Rodney School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22, Feb. 13, March 3 and March 17

Capital School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22, Feb. 13, March 3 and March 17

Lake Forest School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22, Feb. 13, March 3 and March 17

Milford School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22, March 3

Polytech School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22, Feb. 13, March 3 and March 17

Positive Outcomes Charter School: Jan. 3, Jan. 22, Feb. 3, Feb. 13, March 3 and March 17

Smyrna School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22, Feb. 13, March 3 and March 17

Sussex County

Cape Henlopen School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22 and March 3

Delmar School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22 and March 3

Indian River School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22 and March 3

Laurel School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22 and March 3

Seaford School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22 and March 3

Sussex Technical School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22 and March 3

Woodbridge School District: Jan. 3, Jan. 22 and March 3

New Castle County

Appoquinimink School District: Jan. 7, Feb. 3, Feb. 13 and Feb. 14

Brandywine School District: Jan. 7, Feb. 3, Feb. 13 and Feb. 14

Christina School District: Jan. 7, Feb. 3, Feb. 13 and Feb. 14

Colonial School District: Jan. 7, Feb. 3, Feb. 13 and Feb. 14

MOT Charter School: Jan. 3, Jan. 7, Jan. 22, Feb. 3, Feb. 13 and March 3

New Castle County Vo-Tech School District: Jan. 7, Feb. 3, Feb. 13 and Feb. 14

Newark Charter School: Feb. 13 and March 3

Red Clay Consolidated School District: Jan. 7, Feb. 3, Feb. 13 and Feb. 14

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