Arby's General Store on Deal Island

Arby's General Store on Deal Island.

DEAL ISLAND, Md. - After almost 40 years of serving the Somerset County community, Arby's General Store on Deal Island will soon be closing for good.

Behind the counter inside you'll find Arby Holland, the store's owner, who tells WBOC that it is time to retire.  Despite being the morning stop for watermen in the Deal Island area for years, Holland said business has been on the decline in recent years.  Holland also said recovery after the Covid pandemic has proven to be more difficult than expected so it time to give it up.

"I've lost so many friends," Holland said. "So many customers over the last 15 to 20 years and you know, I've run my course."

For regulars to Arby's like Terry Daniels, the mornings won't be the same.

"I was surprised," Daniels said.  "I've been dealing with Arby for 35 years and you know, its going to be hard in the morning to get your coffee, your gloves, and everything you need for crabbing at 4:30 in the morning."

Holland said the general store, bar and grill, along with his house on the property are all for sale in one package deal.  What comes next for that property and store, Holland said, is entirely up to whoever the new owner may be.

"The one that can afford to do whatever, it's their choice.  It's not going to be dictated that if you're going to change this, I'm not selling.  I'm ready to quit."

While Arby Holland may be ready to quit, many are not ready to see him go.  Holland said he will not remain open while the sale process is ongoing.  The final day for Arby's General Store is April 30th.

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