OXFORD, MD - A piece of Delmarva history, more than three centuries old, is up for sale.

The Oxford-Bellevue Ferry, in its 341st year of operation, is in need of new owners. This ferry holds the distinction of being the oldest continuously operating privately owned ferry in America.

Located in the town of Oxford, the ferry has become a beloved icon, with many locals eagerly awaiting the sound of its diesel engine every season. The current owners, Tom and Judy Bixler, have operated the ferry for the past 23 years but have decided it's time to pass on the torch.

"It's time for us to have some fun with our family and not have a 24/7 responsibility for something," said Captain Judy Bixler.

However, the Bixlers are adamant about finding the right person to take over the ferry's operation.

"There's a lot of history, and we're very proud of the heritage that we are preserving. That's one of the important aspects about passing the ferry on," Judy Bixler added.

The Oxford-Bellevue Ferry is capable of carrying passengers, bicycles, and vehicles, and has become an integral part of the community.

"We try to keep the overall maintenance of the boat, we try to keep the boat in an overall pristine type of condition that makes a big difference for the longevity. That really doesn't take that much effort," said Captain Tom Bixler.

Passengers who have experienced the charm of the ferry are hopeful that the new owners will maintain its legacy.

"Well, I'm disappointed that we didn't discover the ferry 10 years ago, but I hope they find someone just like themselves," said Chip Murray, who rode the ferry for the first time.

"If they sell it and somebody buys it, i hope they are as nice as them, that's as engaging as them," added John Sassano.

"It's not like someone can walk in and write a check. There is a little more to it. We just want to be sure that our legacy is someone who can appreciate where they live, what the boat does," said Tom Bixler.

As for the price of the ferry, the Bixlers have chosen to keep that information confidential, to be discussed only with potential buyers of this historic vessel.

The sale of the Oxford Bellevue Ferry marks the passing of a historical landmark, hopeful for another generation to carry on its legacy.

If you are interested in finding out more information on the ferry. Email the Bixlers at: obferry@aol.com 

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