Former Supreme Court Justice Randy Holland

Celebration of Life Held for Former Supreme Court Justice Randy Holland

DOVER, Del. – A celebration of life was held Saturday for former Delaware Supreme Court Justice Randy Holland. Holland died March 15th at the age of 75.

Saturday’s turnout at the Educational and Humanities Theatre at Delaware State University was a reflection of the impact Holland had throughout his life. Governor John Carney, who spoke at the ceremony, credited Holland as a guiding light from his time as Lt. Governor through today. "In losing Randy we have lost both a gem and a giant,” Carney said. “In a bench and board full of talented writers and thinkers, Justice Randy Holland was in a class of his own."

Holland, a Milford native, became the youngest person to serve on the Delaware Supreme Court when he was sworn-in at the age of 39. He would be appointed to an unprecedented three terms. Throughout his thirty-year tenure on the bench, Justice Holland authored more than 700 reported opinions.

Delaware’s current Chief Justice Collins Seitz said Holland approached life and the people who came into it as any good judge should, giving all matters great deliberation.  Seitz said Holland was purposeful in action and humble in carrying those actions out. “Instead of talking or dominating a conversation or issue when judges were deliberating,” Justice Seitz said, “he was always someone who was quiet, thoughtful and waited his turn to speak. But when he spoke everybody sat up to listen."

After 30 years as a Delaware Supreme Court Justice, Holland retired in 2017. To learn more about Holland’s life and accomplishments, you can read his obituary here.