Delmar, De.- Monday October 16th is the first day of the trial for Randon Wilkerson, who is accused of attacking Corporal Keith Heacook in April of 2021. Heacook died several days later from his injuries. 

Delmar Police Chief Ivan Barkley says the trial is a step in the effort of finding closure. 

"The path for a lot of us is seeing justice done. Seeing this part of it done and over with," said Barkley.  "And a start to closure. I think that's the big part. Just get this portion, this page close and behind us."

Wilkerson was arrested on April 25, 2021. That morning, just after 5 a.m., Cpl. Heacook responded to Buckingham Drive in the Yorkshire Estates Community on reports of a fight at a home and another 9-1-1 call moments later from a man who said he and his wife had been assaulted in their nearby home. 

A Delaware Superior Court Judge will now decide whether Wilkerson is guilty of numerous charges in lieu of a jury, including two counts of first degree murder, attempted murder, and assault. Wilkerson faces life in prison if convicted.

The trial begins at 9 a.m. in Georgetown.