Piping Plover

Don Freiday/USFWS

DELAWARE - The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) plans to offer training to volunteers who want to help protect the First State’s endangered and threatened beach-nesting birds. 

DNREC is inviting potential volunteers to a training session from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 4th at Cape Henlopen State Park’s Officers Club Mess Hall. Monitor volunteers play an important role in conservation efforts for beach-nesting birds including piping plovers and oystercatchers, DNREC says. Volunteers are stationed on the boundaries of nesting areas and explain to beachgoers the importance of closing beach sections to prevent disturbances to the birds and help in their nesting success. 

DNREC says the volunteer training session will include refreshments followed by a presentation and discussion about the beach-nesting monitoring program. Weather and time permitting, the session will conclude with a visit to the Point at Cape Henlopen to look for piping plovers and other shorebirds. Binoculars will be available but DNREC encourages volunteers to bring their own.

Volunteers may submit an interest form prior to the training session but walk-ups are also welcome to become beach-nesting bird monitors. Park entrance fees will be waived for those attending training at the Cape Henlopen State Park. More information about the volunteer monitoring program can be found here