DOVER, Del.- Marta Drive may not look like Dover International Speedway, but neighbors in the community of Clearview Meadow say some drivers on their neighborhood street seem to treat it that way.
"This particular street has been like a racetrack," said Waldo Melendez, who lives along the road.
A number of Clearview Meadow residents took their concerns about speeding to Dover City Council on Monday, ahead of a Tuesday Homeowners Association Meeting in the community.
Melendez said he has been living in the community for three years and seen drivers regularly disregard the 25 mile-per-hour speed limit there.
A crash more than two weeks ago stoked his concerns about speeding when his SUV was struck by another vehicle and ended up across the street in his neighbor's front yard.
"If my vehicle had not been where it was that vehicle would have gone straight into my neighbor's house," he said.
City officials at Monday's council meeting indicated they would look into sending police officers to patrol the neighborhood more frequently --- something sought by many residents in the community.
But Councilman Ralph Taylor, whose district includes Clearview Meadow, said neighbors may want to be careful what they wish for.
"When those officers are there, they'll be there to write speeding tickets...(the neighbors) will not be exempt," he said.
Some neighbors have sought speed bumps in Clearview Meadow, though the city prohibits speed bumps because they can damage fire and rescue vehicles.
Regardless, Melendez said something needs to change --- especially now that the school year has started.
"The problem that we're going to have is---god forbid---a child is going to get hurt," he said.