Caroline County Sheriff Patrolling Ridgely


RIDGELY, MD. - County and state law enforcement officials remained vigilant in the town of Ridgely amid ongoing investigations into the suspension of its entire police department.

As reported Wednesday, the Ridgely Police Department is suspended with pay while an the MD State Prosecutor conducts an investigation into various administrative issues, according to a law enforcement source. The town announced plans for upcoming meetings to address the situation.

In the absence of the local police force, the Caroline County Sheriff's Office and the Maryland State Police have assumed patrol duties, a promise that was upheld as residents reported sightings of sheriff's vehicles and state troopers patrolling the town.

For Ridgely residents like Geenie Woo, the presence of law enforcement brought a sense of reassurance. "It was definitely reassuring seeing them drive by. We're right on Main Street, and seeing them drive by a couple of times within a couple of hours was definitely nice to see," said Woo, a lifelong resident of Ridgely.

Megan Harvison echoed similar sentiments, stating, "Knowing that there were people driving around and actually being out here... that did help because at first when I saw the Facebook post about it, I was like, 'Oh no, police department.'"

Austin Burck emphasized the importance of law enforcement presence in the community, saying, "It's such a big presence. It's never really scary if the cops aren't around because we always know someone is gonna come."

In response to concerns about public safety, Caroline County Sheriff Donald Baker reassured residents, stating, "I want to reassure Ridgely's citizens, and the entire community of Caroline County, that their safety is our top concern."

Baker went on to say, "We know how important it is to keep public safety services running smoothly. We're committed to working closely with the Maryland State Police to make sure Ridgely gets the coverage it needs. Our Sheriff’s Office is focused on providing great care and police services to keep everyone in our community safe and secure. Furthermore, we are dedicated to maintaining swift response times to ensure that emergency situations are addressed promptly and efficiently."

However, despite the increased law enforcement presence, many residents expressed a desire for more information regarding the suspension of their police department. "Sure, we want to know what's going on. Everyone knows everything about everybody, and just curious what happened," Woo remarked.

When contacted, the Town of Ridgely says they are in a memorandum of understanding [MOU] with the Caroline County Sheriff's Office to run emergencies. Scheduled meetings are planned for Friday and Monday to address the ongoing situation.

The suspension of the Ridgely Police Department has left the community seeking answers and longing for transparency in the midst of uncertainty.