Downtown Cambridge at Night


CAMBRIDGE, MD - Concerns regarding safety and crime prevention have sparked a proactive approach from Cambridge police, who recently conducted a door-to-door canvassing operation with local businesses in Cambridge.

Local businesses, particularly those situated in the downtown area, have voiced apprehensions about safety, especially during after-hours periods. Jessica LaPerch, owner of Cabin Fever, shared her experiences with officers during the community policing exercise, highlighting incidents of attempted break-ins and theft.

"I do have issues with after hours a couple of times where I've—especially in the back—I've had people try to break in and steal things," said LaPerch.

LaPerch emphasized the need for assistance in addressing issues related to teenagers and young pre-teens, which she identified as the primary concerns for her business.

Police engagement extended to Butterfly Boutique, where owner Dovile Cropper expressed similar sentiments and requested increased patrols and checks inside businesses.

"For me, the concern was to get somebody to walk through town, come into businesses, not just walk the streets but come in, check in to see if everything was okay, see if there was any concerns," said Cropper.

Responding to these concerns, Cambridge Police Chief Justin Todd outlined the department's initiative aimed at preventing crime before it occurs. The program, dubbed "Patrolling with a Purpose," allocates officers to high-crime micro-zones, ensuring a regular presence to deter criminal activity.

"We can't be in every place at once, but we are doing a new patrolling motto called 'Patrolling with a Purpose,' where, in our high-crime micro-zones, for 15 minutes every two hours, an officer will be at minimum at those locations that we've assigned them," Chief Todd explained.

Businesses that were not visited during the canvassing are encouraged to participate by filling out a survey to express their concerns about crime in the city or suggest strategies for crime prevention. Chief Todd emphasized that this initiative marks the beginning of ongoing efforts rather than a one-time endeavor.

"This will not be the last time we do this," Chief Todd assured.

To email Chief Todd for a survey: